10 Delicious Facts You Never Knew About Chocolate
Chocolate reduces stress
Research has shown that dark chocolate reduces stress hormones such as cortisol and other fight-flight hormones. Additionally, cocoa is rich in antioxidants called flavonoids.
Sweet strike
In 1947 hundreds of Canadian kids went on strike and boycotted chocolate after the price of a chocolate bar jumped from 5 to 8 cents.
Smell like chocolate
There’s a pill that makes farts smell like chocolate.
Milky Way
Milky Way candy bars are not named after the galaxy. The name came from the malted milkshakes whose flavor they originally intended to mimic.
Valuable chocolate bar
The most valuable chocolate bar in the world is a 100-year-old Cadbury’s chocolate bar that was brought along on Captain Robert Scott’s first Discovery Expedition to the Antarctic. It sold for $687 at auction in 2001.
Ancient Maya
The ancient Maya are believed to be the first people to regularly grow cacao trees and drink chocolate. The Aztecs got it later, but they had to trade for cacao because they couldn’t grow the trees.
Thinking about chocolate
People who try to stop thinking about chocolate eat more of it than those who don’t.
A World Without Chocolate?
Cacao plants are slated to disappear by as early as 2050 thanks to warmer temperatures and dryer weather conditions.
Chocolate history
For most of its 4,000-year history, Chocolate was actually consumed as a bitter beverage rather than as a sweet edible treat.
Thinking about chocolate
People who try to stop thinking about chocolate eat more of it than those who don’t.