10 Facts About Alcohol To Lube Your Brain
Blackout drunk
Alcohol doesn’t make you forget anything. When you get blackout drunk, the brain temporarily loses the ability to create memories.
The U.S. government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition in the 20s and 30s, killing over 10,000 people.
Clean streets
Amsterdam pays alcoholics in beer to clean streets: 5 cans of beer for a day’s work, plus €10 and tobacco.
Not digested
Alcohol is not digested; it gets absorbed directly into the bloodstream.
Longest hangover
The longest hangover in medical literature lasted four weeks. It belonged to a 37-year-old man from Glasgow.
You have to squish about 600 to 800 grapes to get a bottle of wine.
“Schnapsidee” is a german word to describe an idea that sounds great while drunk.
Between 1908 and 1965, Winston Churchill drank 42,000 bottles of champagne.