10 sleepy facts we know about dreaming
Inventions that were the result of a dream include: The periodic table, the guillotine, and the sewing machine.
People in our dreams
We don’t have the ability to completely make up faces for people in our dreams. So, every face of someone you see is somebody you’ve seen before. You may not even have the slightest recollection of this person, but your brain does.
Lucid dreams
There are people who can not only recognize when they are dreaming but who can take full control of their dreams. This is known as lucid dreams.
Dreams in black and white
Research has shown us that adults who grew up watching black and white tv would also experience dreams in black and white.
4-6 dreams a night
Most of us have anywhere from 4-6 dreams a night. However, we are only able to recall 1-5% of them.
Unpleasant dreams
Studies have shown that people generally experience dreams with feelings of fear and anxiety more often than they do ‘pleasant’ dreams.
Dream Recall
It is estimated that 5 minutes after a dream, we have forgotten about 50% of it. After 10 minutes, we will have forgotten 90% of it.
Sleeping on stomach
Sleeping on your stomach is the most likely position to produce erotic dreams.
People who frown
People who frown in photos are 5 times more likely to get a divorce than those who smile, research says.
Common nightmares
The most-common nightmares include your teeth falling out, being chased and not being able to get to the toilet in time.