9 Amazing facts about wine
Dandelion plant
The entire dandelion plant is edible. 100 g of its leaves provide nearly 750% your recommended daily intake of Vitamin K, its flowers can be used to make wine, its root can be used to make a coffee-tasting drink, and it is also used in several soft drinks.
Drinking to one’s health
“Drinking to one’s health” came from ancient Greece. The host of dinner would take the first sip to assure his guests the wine was not poisoned.
Drink wise
The ancient Greeks had a wine glass to ensure the drinker’s moderation. If wine was poured above a certain level, the cup spilled its entire contents out of the bottom.
During the prohibition, grape juice mix was sold with the warning “After dissolving the brick in a gallon of water, do not place the liquid in a jug away in the cupboard for twenty days, because then it would turn into wine.”
Californian wines vs French wines
In 1976, there was a wine tasting in Paris that blindly compared Californian wines to French wines. California won and the lone reporter covering the event was blacklisted for reporting it.
Believe it or not, there are some people that have a fear of wine. It’s called “oenophobia”.
Chinese people who want to display their wealth drink expensive red wines mixed with Coca-Cola and Sprite to make it taste more palatable.
Exotic treats
In Vietnam, it’s possible to order a cobra blood wine from restaurant menus. The waiter will take a live cobra, kill it on the spot, drain the blood into a shot glass of rice wine, and top it off with the cobra’s still beating heart for you to gulp down.
Wine fountain
In central Italy, there is a fountain that flows red wine 24-hours a day. It is free to everyone, except for “drunkards and louts.”