Feathers per square inch

Feathers per square inch

Penguins have more feathers than most other birds, averaging approximately 70 feathers per square inch. The Emperor Penguin has the most of any bird, at around 100 feathers per one square inch. Fact source...

In the past..

In the past, people ate penguin eggs. They also killed adult penguins for their feathers, skin, and oil. People also used penguin droppings (guano) to fertilize the soil and help grow crops. While this seems harmless, some penguins use guano to make their nests. When...
Safety in numbers

Safety in numbers

Penguins usually enter and leave the sea in large groups. Scientists believe this is for “safety in numbers.” By blending into a crowd, an individual penguin may avoid catching the attention of a predator. Fact source...
Yellow-eyed Penguin

Yellow-eyed Penguin

The rarest penguin in the world is the Yellow-eyed Penguin, with only around 5,000 living in the wild. They live along the southeastern coast of New Zealand and nearby islands.
Southern Hemisphere

Southern Hemisphere

All penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere, from Antarctica to the warmer waters of the Galapagos Islands near the equator. They can be found on every continent in the Southern Hemisphere. No penguins live at the North Pole. Fact source...