Multiply by 4

Multiply by 4

To find the number of calories from sugar in a product, multiply the grams by 4. For example, a product containing 15 grams of sugar has 60 calories from sugar per serving. Fact source...


While foods rich in fiber, fat, and protein help make a person feel full, sugar does not create feelings of satiety. Fact source...
One teaspoon of sugar

One teaspoon of sugar

One teaspoon of white sugar has 15 calories and one teaspoon of corn syrup (a type of sugar) has 20 calories. Soft drinks are responsible for most of the added sugar in the average American diet. Fact source...

Aging cells

A 2009 study found that glucose consumption accelerated the aging of cells in the body. Additionally, a 2012 study found that excess sugar consumption was tied to deficiencies in memory and overall cognitive processing. Fact source...