Valentine, Texas
There is a town in Texas called Valentine, but for not for a romantic reason. The first train to arrive there happened to do so on February 14. Fact source...
Knot of Love
A True Love Knot, or Endless Knot of Love, was a very popular Valentine in England and the U.S. in the seventeenth century. As their name implies, these Valentines were drawn as a knot and could be read from any line and still make sense. Fact source...
Each year 300,000 letters go through Loveland, Colorado, to get a special heart stamp cancellation for Valentine’s Day. Fact source...
X symbol
Many believe the X symbol became synonymous with the kiss in medieval times. People who couldn’t write their names signed in front of a witness with an X. The X was then kissed to show their sincerity. Fact source...