Opportunity cost
Smoking three packs of cigarettes over 46 years has a significant opportunity cost. If a person invested and reinvested just that cigarette money over those 46 years, he or she could create a portfolio worth over $2 million. Researchers note that the value of a small...
Modern American millionaires
Most modern American millionaires today (about 80%) are first-generation millionaires. Usually, the fortune they build will dissipate by the second or third generation. Fact source...Ideal occupations
Many millionaires think that the ideal occupations for their kids are accountants or attorneys. Tax advisors and estate planning experts are also in the top of the list....1% of earners
A 2010 study argues that millionaires (those in the top 1% of earners) pay approximately 40% of all taxes in the United States. Fact source...