9 Interesting Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Running
Running effects
A woman’s breasts move the same amount whether she runs fast or slowly. Their breasts don’t just move up and down; they move in a complex figure-eight pattern, with about 6 inches of motion with each stride.
Strictly prohibited
Before the 1960s, drinking water was strictly prohibited from races shorter than 10 miles in the United Kingdom and much of Europe. It was believed that drinking water would make a runner weak.
Work harder
Women are predisposed to carry 10–15% more fat than men. This means that women have to work harder to run at an equivalent pace.
Powerful computers
The most powerful computers on earth cannot generate the number of computations it takes to run on two legs.
Ability to run
The ancestors of humans developed the ability to run long distances about 2.6 million years ago, most likely to hunt prey for food.
The treadmill
The treadmill was originally designed for English prisons as a tool for punishment.
Men’s hearts
Because men’s hearts are 20–25% larger than women’s, especially the left ventricle, men can run longer and more easily than women.
Famous people marathons
Famous people who have finished marathons include Oprah Winfrey, Sean Combs, President George W. Bush, Will Ferrell, and Katie Holmes.
Cost of quality
The average cost of quality running shoes in the United States is between $115 and $120.