Doughnut machine

Adolph Levitt, a Russian-born immigrant, invented the first automatic doughnut machine in 1920. He called it the “Wonderful Almost Human Automatic Donut Machine.” Fact source...
How to cook

How to cook

Italians claim to have taught the rest of Europe how to cook. Italy is responsible for introducing the world to ice cream (via the Chinese), coffee, and fruit pies. In addition to Belgium and France, Italy also claims to have made the first French fries. The first...
Pizza Principle

Pizza Principle

Since the early 1960s, the price of pizza has uncannily matched the price of a New York subway ride. Known as the “Pizza Principle” or the “Pizza-Subway Connection,” this “economic law” is generally accurate. Fact source...
World’s largest pizza

World’s largest pizza

Baked in 2012, the world’s largest pizza measured 131 feet in diameter and weighed 51,257 pounds. It used 19,800 pounds of gluten-free flour, 10,000 pounds of tomato sauce, 8,800 pounds of mozzarella cheese, 1, 488 pounds of margarine, 551 pounds of rock salt,...