Egyptians invented toothpaste

Egyptians invented toothpaste

The Ancient Egyptians invented toothpaste. It was made of rock salt, pepper, mint, and dried iris flowers.

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Mummification process

Mummification process

Ancient South Americans, not Egyptians, invented the mummification process. The Chinchorro people of Chile’s Atacama Desert had been mummifying their dead for 2,000 years prior to the Egyptians. They peeled back the corpse’s skin, removed the muscles and organs, and filled the body with plants before sewing the skin back on and placing a mask over the face.

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non-smoking areas

Non-smoking areas

In Japan non-smoking areas are often difficult to find in restaurants, including family restaurants. Many of Japan’s politicians have an interest in the tobacco industry.

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late night

Late night conversations

People are more honest when physically tired. This is why people confess things during late night conversations.

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Stay Motivated!

Stay Motivated!

If you announce your goals to others, you are less likely to make them happen because you lose motivation, studies confirmed.

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Mummification process

Ancient South Americans, not Egyptians, invented the mummification process. The Chinchorro people of Chile’s Atacama Desert had been mummifying their dead for 2,000 years prior to the Egyptians. They peeled back the corpse’s skin, removed the muscles and organs, and...

Non-smoking areas

In Japan non-smoking areas are often difficult to find in restaurants, including family restaurants. Many of Japan’s politicians have an interest in the tobacco industry. Fact source

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