“Erotomania” is a psychological disorder in which the affected people believe a famous person is in love with them.
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Facts about love are like love itself – fun, surprising, and totally captivating! Now, don’t pretend like you’ve never searched for these and that there isn’t an interesting love fact good enough to capture your attention! You know why? Because these next love facts aren’t only cute, but really good to know and even useful!
Don’t forget to love and remember, Love is a fact of life.
About love
According to one study, many men are more particular about which women they kissed than who they went to bed with, suggesting that kissing is somehow more about love than coitus is. Fact source
read moreFirst name Love
More than 5,000 Swedish men have the first name Love. Fact source
read moreLove Declaration
In ancient Greece, throwing an apple at someone was done to declare one's love. Fact source
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